Not a bug Lost custom user field in vBulletin 4 import


Affected version
When I import from vbulletin 4, profilefield and userfield was skipped.
I have 4 defined custom fields in vBulletin and no one in xenforo after import.

In file src/XF/Import/Importer/vBulletin.php, query selects profilefieldid > 3.

// ####################### STEP: CUSTOM USER FIELDS #####################

    public function stepUserFields(StepState $state)
        $choiceLookUps = [];

        $profileFields = $this->sourceDb->fetchAllKeyed($this->prepareImportSql($this->prefix, "
            SELECT pf.*,
                phr1.text AS title,
                phr2.text AS description
            FROM profilefield AS pf
            INNER JOIN phrase AS phr1
                ON (phr1.varname = CONCAT('field', pf.profilefieldid, '_title'))
            INNER JOIN phrase AS phr2
                ON (phr2.varname = CONCAT('field', pf.profilefieldid, '_desc'))
            WHERE pf.profilefieldid > 3
        "), 'profilefieldid');

Why ?

Indeed, we want to import fields with IDs < 3...
Yeah but what were those fields specifically? In a default vb installation they are mapped to some quite common fields which XF has built in rather than needing custom fields for them. So the information might be there just mapped to different fields.
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