Login with Facebook


Active member
First of all, appologisies if this has already been asked, but I did spend about ten minutes searching before I posted this!!

On the xenforo community, when you drop down the login bar, there is a Login with Facebook image, allowing you to login with your Facebook account. I don't get that on my forums. So I was wondering, is this all linked in with the Facebook option page? So I need an application on Facebook before I can get it running?
Ah top man. Thanks for that geeza, didn't even find that thread haha!! It does look familiar though, think I read it before but thanks all the same =D!! Time to get busy and sort it.
With FB's new requirment to confirm your identity Via Credit Card or Mobile phone. I cant even create a new app.. Ugh i have neither a CC or Mobile phone.. So im SOL ATM. ;)
With FB's new requirment to confirm your identity Via Credit Card or Mobile phone. I cant even create a new app.. Ugh i have neither a CC or Mobile phone.. So im SOL ATM. ;)

That happened to me today too so I can't get my API or Secret number - hell will freeze over before I give Facebook my mobile or credit card number LOL!

Renada :)
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