XF 1.2 Login buttons not working


Active member
My forum is http://www.gamehandout.com/forum/ It's still in development, and currently in the process of adding everything to it. I have the latest version of XenForo, and I'm using the pre-made theme that came with xenforo. I used a wordpress user to Xenforo bridge type thing on it which is how I got the 80 members, and no other things have been added other than that.

This is a brand new instillation of XenForo, and I cannot actually click the login buttons, they will not open up any webpages, ect. I can right click and open in a new tab, but other than that, that's all. Any solutions, or ideas behind this?
Problem: Login Slider / Login Form is not working.
Solution: The most common cause of the login form and slider not opening and/or working is CloudFlare's RocketLoader script. If you are using CloudFlare, check your settings to verify if you are running it and disable it if you are. Below are some related links to this issue:

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Reactions: DOA
Turn off RocketScript in CloudFlare.
Problem: Login Slider / Login Form is not working.
Solution: The most common cause of the login form and slider not opening and/or working is CloudFlare's RocketLoader script. If you are using CloudFlare, check your settings to verify if you are running it and disable it if you are. Below are some related links to this issue:


I never downloaded, or heard of anything called cloudflare. Is this built into the latest XenForo website? As stated, it's a fresh instillation, and other than the snowflakes, and the converter I used, nothing else was added, and the problem occurred before all of those were added.
Cloud flare is an external service many sites use to provide a CDN for their sites. I do not have a computer to debug further right now, however, does it occur on a default style?
Cloud flare is an external service many sites use to provide a CDN for their sites. I do not have a computer to debug further right now, however, does it occur on a default style?
this is the default style, I simply added custom images to it. I never downloaded any external services. Just the wordpress user to xenforo converter and the snowflakes addon. Nothing else.
Well your site resolves to an IP owned by CloudFlare. This code has been added:
<script type="text/javascript">
try{if (!window.CloudFlare) {var CloudFlare=[{verbose:0,p:0,byc:0,owlid:"cf",bag2:1,mirage2:0,oracle:0,paths:{cloudflare:"/cdn-cgi/nexp/acv=4125811108/"},atok:"81dd38ec72916aa107a78d3565d166ce",petok:"79e1f7c13f68a7921b570541d911e5e08e14d20f-1387274402-1800",zone:"gamehandout.com",rocket:"a",apps:{}}];document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/nexp/acv=616370821/cloudflare.min.js"><'+'\/script>');}}catch(e){};
And there are the text/rocketscript references in the output.

If you didn't enable CloudFlare, then either your host uses it explicitly or someone with control over your DNS/name servers has changed them to point to CloudFlare.
@Mike Thank you so much, as well as all others. I had the domain GameHandout linked (my wordpress) I forgot I even added it, I was checking my xenforo addons and things for the 'cloudflare'. Had a derp moment. I figured it out, and wished to thank everyone for the help.
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