XF 1.4 Locked thread / how to change wording ?


Well-known member
at my own Forum, when I "lock" a thread, it says "(Log-in or Register to reply here)"

here at XenForo, at a "locked" thread it says "(You have insufficient privileges to reply here.)"

How can I change this at my Forum, so that it will also say "(You have insufficient privileges to reply here.)"

I am running the lastest XF-language-file, but it seems something is different...?




It should be the latter by default.

Check the template for that area and see if it's calling the correct phrase or make sure the phrase's text is actually that.

It just looks a bit funny to a "Guest" when it says:

"Thread Status: Not open for further replies." and "Log in or Sign up to reply here".

It's kinda mutually exclusive.
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