Litebox autoplay/slideshow for XF Gallery

Yes, my users would love this - it is not unusual for us to get 100 new photos a day uploaded, and members like sitting back and looking at them all.
Yes, quite, this would be perfect for all those adult forum media galleries I happen to stumble upon. Where it's not alway convenient to have to click from one image to the next :whistle:
Pretty old suggestion, but still valid.

We are currently in the process of converting a larger forum from WoltLab to XenForo and I am pretty sure we'll get complaints from users as they will miss the slideshow :(

Guess we'll hae to implement this ourselves (for now).
As much as I like Xenforo, it boggles my mind that such simple and common sense requests like this can never be implemented. I am not sure why Xenforo and it's components are not actively being improved on and new features being added. That's the way you keep customers and bring new customers in.
It's going to be hard without any kind of lightbox in the current version.

Having said that, the core forum does ship with lightGallery

A little off topic from the OP suggestion, but one of the lightbox demos has sidebar comments (via Facebook comments plugin). Unfortunately it doesn't appear to work correctly on narrow displays, as the sidebar consumes the entire viewport.
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