Hello, i want to put a link to a external site using the add new forum option, but i don´t know how to do it. I need convert the forum title to a link. Example:
Me as the admin, not the users. Problem is that the "link forum" option don't maintain the original forum list design, and i need that it appears exactly as a "normal" forum to the eyes of the users...
Me as the admin, not the users. Problem is that the "link forum" option don't maintain the original forum list design, and i need that it appears exactly as a "normal" forum to the eyes of the users...
That will simply be a styling issue that should be easily addressed in EXTRA.LESS template.
The major difference is the "image" that is shown in the default XF style.. and that can be changed to be consistent with the forum (althoughI honestly would not recommend it).
Why would you want a link to an outside (most likely) resource to appear as if it was a local node?
Personally.. if you are going to get "heavy" into outside links.. I'd suggest looking into XenAddons Link Directory.
Advertising. Paid link. I think this work better than a banner, pre-roll video ad, pop-up... you know. And is more difficult to the ad blockers to detect it.
Advertising. Paid link. I think this work better than a banner, pre-roll video ad, pop-up... you know. And is more difficult to the ad blockers to detect it.
I think that would be best addressed (since usually you are going to need to associate an "account" number" with it) via a 3rd party extension for monetization.
There are a wealth of advertising abilities available... simply pushing a link forum to the user as a "node" to "trick" them to get monetization is "kinda crappy' in my honest opinion. And yes, I am known to be "brutally honest" when it comes to my opinion... as you can ask most others here.. what you want to do seems rather fringe.
exactly... (as mentioned earlier)... but he appears to want to monetize the link and hide it as an actual node on the site and when users click on it they get sent elsewhere thinking they are clicking on a standard node... and monies go to him... kinda shady to me. Not really something I'm interested in helping someone with as it is basically another form of spam.
but he appears to want to monetize the link and hide it as an actual node on the site and when users click on it they get sent elsewhere thinking they are clicking on a standard node... and monies go to him... kinda shady to me. Not really something I'm interested in helping someone with as it is basically another form of spam.
Thanks for your suggestions You are WRONG considering this monetization method as a form of spam. I respect the users and work in a very honest way. It is better a clean and direct link that a code made by a third party affilitiation-type company that get data from user's browsers and can inject some "strange" code in their devices, and this is also better than the users have to close an unexpected floating advertisement.
A simple and clean text link is the less shady form of monetization method you can found.
(Sorry for my english, it is not my native language.)