XF 2.2 Can I link thread to an another thread (in an another forum)?


Active member
So basically I want to link a thread to an another thread, so that in both forums they appeare with the same comments and same comment count etc.

So let's say I want to creat a "FIFA 10 topic" (thread) in the following forums: " PC gaming" and "Xbox gaming".
So when someone click on it in Xbox gaming he will be re-directed to PC Gaming/ FIFA 10 topic.

Can I do that? I know I can create forum links (in nodes), but can I also do it with threads?

But why would you want to do that? A lot of times games between platforms are totally different on how to do things. Only thing you can probably do is use the smiliar threads option at the bottom of the thread like you see here on XF community.
That was just an example.
My forum is totally not about games, I just used it as an easy to understand example.

Ok let me give you an another example:

One forum is about is about different kinds of breads, in it here's a thread called "how to bake bread".
An another forum is about how to bake, and in it a thread called "how to bake bread".

How to link them?

Or one forum about Oncology/ Rectal cancer, in it a thread called "Rectal surgery".
An another forum called "Surgery" in it a thread called "Rectal surgery".

You see they belong to each other just in different aspects. How do I link them, so people wont write in both, but they still appeare in both category and forum?

(BTW!!! When I say forum I mean they are in the same Xenforo setup, just in the different node - category - forum ) :)
I think the new feature Search Forums can help you. You can call them all into one node (a search node) but when they click they are in the node it resides in.
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