Lawsuit is Over! But where are Kier/Ashley/Mike?

I know the lawsuit is over and there have been special offers such as the 20% off sale of licenses, the free extension to existing customers and the guys have been back and working and making appearances .... but, how come KAM haven't come over to my house and cut the lawn for me?

It better be better than this one!

Well I am really disappointed over here with my Henry hoover standing idle and the washing up not done. My hair hasn't been brushed this morning and I've only had one cup of tea so far - and the breakfast tray didn't have a flower on it.
Also I specifically requested I wanted Mike, topless, with a rose between his teeth and instead I got that young barefoot boy very sweet I'm sure but I wanted the sophisticated version.

Now pull yourselves together guys I know you had a little bother lately but that's no excuse to let things slip. I'll be out of my asses milk bath in an hour and I expect everything to be clean, tidy and ready for inspection. Oh and today's the day my seven cats need brushing.
Am I seriously the only one that read you are bathing your ass in milk?

Or you are bathing your multiple asses in milk?

Or your jackass is being bathed in milk?

Why do I now feel as though I am trapped in some strange movie?
Considering they just won a lawsuit. I say all 3 of them have earned a long and well looked forward to vacation. I wish them the best and I can't wait to see them come back re-energized and ready to show the world Xenforo is ready to move on as the best forum software out there. (y)
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