XF 1.5 Latest member name not showing in main page

Umar Asari

Active member
In my forum lastest member name is not taking update. While the number of members are updating.
Plz help me

Looking at your forum, I don't see any newer members. A member won't appear there until they're "valid". It won't display a user that hasn't confirmed their email address, for example.
I know that. And I am sure about it.
Look at this screenshot :

A new user who was awaiting email confirmation has been registered as a valid user. Thats why the number of members are showing 82. But in latest number his name is not showing.
The latest member is the one with the newest registration date that is "valid". For example, if I register and immediately confirm my account, I become the latest member. Meanwhile, a user registered before me but has yet to confirm their account. Once they confirm their account, they'll be counted for the total members count, but I still registered after them so I'm the latest member.
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