Last DataWriter question (for now) -- Seriously

Use the individual verification functions referenced in _getFields() to verify that the incoming data is physically valid for database, and that all other checks that can be done in isolation are valid.

Following that, use _preSave() to do any checking where you need to compare multiple fields, or work with multiple fields simultaneously, or check a field against changeable environmental concerns.
OK, validation works (do almost everything in _preSave(); ). Only 1 problem: It's never rejects the tag (as that's my unique ID here) for being unique. It's always set as an update / insert and never rejects it... Here's the _verifyCode:

	protected function _verifyBbCodeId(&$tagId)
		$tag = strtolower($tagId);

		if (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', $tagId))
			$this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_an_id_using_only_alphanumeric'), 'tag');
			return false;
		if ($this->isInsert() || $tag != $this->getExisting('tag'))
			$existing = $this->_getCustomBbCodeModel()->getCustomBbCodeById($tagId);
				$this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('bbcm_errorTagMustBeUnique'), 'tag');
				return false;

		return true;
Okay... now I'm having an issue with a datawriter... This is my code in my program:
// this part works fine
	$dw = XenForo_DataWriter::create('EWRcarta_DataWriter_History');
		'page_id'    => $input['page_id'],
		'history_date' => $input['page_date'],
		'history_type' => $input['page_type'],
		'history_content' => $input['page_content'],
		'history_current' => '1',
	$userID = $dw->get('user_id');
	$histID = $dw->get('history_id');
	$histIP = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Ip')->logIp($userID, 'wiki', $histID, 'update');

//this part doesn't work
	$dw = XenForo_DataWriter::create('EWRcarta_DataWriter_History');
	$dw->setExistingData(array('history_id' => $histID));
	$dw->set('history_ip', $histIP);

// echo to make sure history_id and history_ip are being set correctly...
	echo $dw->get('history_id')." - ".$dw->get('history_ip'); exit;

Since I added the echo at the end, which is properly outputting what it should... such as "121 - 55" that means things are being set... however when I look at my database, the history_ip is always 0 (which is the default). For some reason, it didn't store 55 in the database, even though the get is saying it did.
I figured it out!

For some reason, the getUpdateCondition in my datawriter was set to false... oops.
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