Kier/Mike... stop listening to us.


Well-known member
You got a juicy porterhouse steak on the grill and we are starving for some red meat.
I know the right thing to do is to wait till its well done, making sure all bacteria have been killed and all.
But you have to deal with all sorts of people coming in to open the grill and smell the steak, everyone telling you that it looks like it needs a little salt, or some extra pepper, maybe some garlic, etc...
Then you got some who wont eat a steak without steak sauce.
Each time these amateur cooks pops his head in... you lose valuable heat needed to cook the steak properly.
Opening and closing the lid of the BBQ tends to dry the meat out too.

So what im saying basically is that when you have a quality cut of meet thats been well marinated and seasoned by a professional grillmaster... its alright to eat it a little rare.
Im sure there is no E-Coli in this beef, im confident that you have used only the finest ingredients and preparation standards. That i will not suffer from food poisoning of any kind, and that i will throughly enjoy this bloody steak.

The alternative is to continue eating this stale, tough, and tasteless veggie burger mystery meat.
But i would much rather have some of this xtra fine grade beef, because a porterhouse is still a great tasting cut of meat even when its rare.
Thanks, im good with food :D

Good post. :) XenForo is the Porterhouse, and this community is the fine red wine to compliment it, :cool:
You can be the fine red wine... ill be the Cerveza Tecate.

Can I be dessert?
Too many cooks can spoil the broth.

They did very well without us for a period of time too.

Although on the flip side, you really you shouldn't tell devs not to listen. I remember the constant complaints from vb owners saying the creators didn't listen to their customers enough.
We all have a humerus bone in our arm... but i guess not all of us have a funny bone.
Lets not read too deeply into the analogy, there are some parts that hit better than others... but its not the davinci code.

For the record i like my steak medium rare as well.
And when i posted it the first thing that came to my mind was "i bet someone is going to bring up the not listening to customers part".
Its a joke people, i dont actually want the guys not to listen to us.
If you want to take some meaning from it, then it boils down to me preferring they finish up the product asap so we can have some presale or something that allows us to start playing with XF sooner than later... to listening to us give them our tips on how to make a better forum.
Those tips and suggestions can still be a valuable asset when its time for the GOLD release or future updates.

I just want to bite into my steak now!
If you want to take some meaning from it, then it boils down to me preferring they finish up the product asap so we can have some presale or something that allows us to start playing with XF sooner than later... to listening to us give them our tips on how to make a better forum.
Those tips and suggestions can still be a valuable asset when its time for the GOLD release or future updates.

I just want to bite into my steak now!
That is the point ^ .
We all have a humerus bone in our arm... but i guess not all of us have a funny bone.
Lets not read too deeply into the analogy, there are some parts that hit better than others... but its not the davinci code.

For the record i like my steak medium rare as well.
And when i posted it the first thing that came to my mind was "i bet someone is going to bring up the not listening to customers part".
Its a joke people, i dont actually want the guys not to listen to us.
If you want to take some meaning from it, then it boils down to me preferring they finish up the product asap so we can have some presale or something that allows us to start playing with XF sooner than later... to listening to us give them our tips on how to make a better forum.
Those tips and suggestions can still be a valuable asset when its time for the GOLD release or future updates.

I just want to bite into my steak now!
A LOT of what has been suggested can be filed into one of three files;
1) implemented before version 1 is gold (very small stack)
2) implemented after version 1 (might be a slightly bigger stack) 
3) let the modding community develop it. (biggest stack for now)
To be honest I don't think meat compares to a forum software that needs to appeal to the general market in order to survive. While the meat is just done to have one good meal. But that's just me. :)
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