XF 1.5 keyboard shortcuts?

Walkman Archive

Active member
Hi there,
I wonder which is the full list of shortcuts in Xenforo.
I'm particularlly interested in those for posting. For example, in wordpress Ctrl + K opens the "put a link to" and it's very useful.
It's basically a hard coded list in the editor code:
if (key === 90)
   if (e.shiftKey)
      this.shortcuts(e, 'redo'); // Ctrl + Shift + z
      this.shortcuts(e, 'undo'); // Ctrl + z
else if (key == 89)
   this.shortcuts(e, 'redo'); // Ctrl + y
else if (key === 77)
   this.shortcuts(e, 'removeformat'); // Ctrl + m
else if (key === 66)
   this.shortcuts(e, 'bold'); // Ctrl + b
else if (key === 73)
   this.shortcuts(e, 'italic'); // Ctrl + i
else if (key === 85)
   this.shortcuts(e, 'underline'); // Ctrl + u
else if (key === 74)
   this.shortcuts(e, 'insertunorderedlist'); // Ctrl + j
else if (key === 75)
   this.shortcuts(e, 'insertorderedlist'); // Ctrl + k
else if (key === 76)
   this.shortcuts(e, 'superscript'); // Ctrl + l
else if (key === 72)
   this.shortcuts(e, 'subscript'); // Ctrl + h
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