Add-on Karma


First of all, yes, I am aware there are a few "reaction" addons out there like like TH Reactions and Content Ratings. Reactions are not karma. There is demand for a karma addon if you look around. Not to mention any forum owner migrating from SMF will likely buy the addon. Customer base + potential customers make this worth your time if you have the know how.

Reactions are not karma.
1. Karma has no cutesy reactions. You smite or applaud.
2. Karma log widget: Showing 4-5 most recent karma changes, including who issued the karma (+1/-1), on whom, for what reason and for what post. Clicking on the widget takes you to a karma log page showing all karma changes.
3. Custom reasons. Instead of a set of predetermined reactions, you enter your own reason for changing someone's karma.
4. Karma limit set through a configuration. How often can a person change karma, can they repeat the same karma on the same person within a certain period.

More details and a few picture can be found at the SMF addons, SMF-Karma-Descriptionp

And the following that reference the above post:

They're stretched out across several years, but the point is there are others that have asked for it. The rule of thumb is there are always more lurkers than posters. If that's not good enough look at it this way, there is no other addon that currently functions like the karma system I listed above. You'll have a unique addon.
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