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[Karll] Unwatch all 1.1.0

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karll submitted a new resource:

[Karll] With all watched threads (version 1.0) - Stop watching, disable or enable email notifications for all watched threads

Click the Watched Threads link in the top menu under Forums, and then click the "show all watched threads" link at the bottom of that page. Here is where you will find the new features: At the bottom of the page there is a drop-down menu from which you can choose the following options:
View attachment 38643

(The options under "With all..." are provided by this add-on.)

I've had a lot of requests for an "unsubscribe all" type feature on my board, and since it didn't sound too hard and...

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It is working with XF 1.1.4, but if you had installed this add-on before and then upgraded to XF 1.1.4, it may not be working.

To make it work again, simply uninstall the add-on using the Admin CP, and then re-install it. (You don't need to copy any files, you just need to use the XML file.)
karll updated [Karll] Unwatch all with a new update entry:

Admin feature to unwatch threads and forums for a user

This update provides a new feature in the admin CP on the "edit user" page. To access it, click the top-right "Actions" drop-down menu and select "Unwatch All". This will bring up a menu that will allow you to disable or enable email notifications for all watched threads and forums, and also to completely stop the watching of these threads and forums.

Read the rest of this update entry...
We found that we had to uninstall it and install it again after upgrading to 1.3.

Also thanks for this add-on! It's critical for us whenever someone sends in a spam complaints regarding watched threads.
We found that we had to uninstall it and install it again after upgrading to 1.3.

Also thanks for this add-on! It's critical for us whenever someone sends in a spam complaints regarding watched threads.
Thanks for the feedback! Are you using the latest version of the add-on (1.1.0)? I'm aware this was an issue with the first version, but should have been fixed now I thought.
Thanks for the feedback! Are you using the latest version of the add-on (1.1.0)? I'm aware this was an issue with the first version, but should have been fixed now I thought.

We are using 1.1.0 yes. We started out on that version.
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