Just a quick polite hello.

matt vinyl

Hello everyone,

Thought I'd nip in and say hello from the S.E. of England, before asking any daft questions or help requests.
Time permitting tomorrow, I shall be making an excited purchase of an XF package. Currently running (muddling about) a MyBB forum which I inherited.

I will be in touch with one of you lucky members here to carry out the move for me (if you don't mind me crossing your palms with silver) :D, as I am worse than useless :confused: and scared stiff of ruining forum life for my current forum members who are a great bunch!

Our forum feels like it needs a better platform now and XenForo seems the only way to go.
I've been having a mooch around here for the last 48hrs and it is nice to meet you all, as such.

Talk again soon (y)
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