This isn't something I can reproduce on a slightly more recent version of Safari on both iOS and macOS.
Such a behaviour would suggest that it's not loading assets from the browser cache but instead re-fetching them each time. Was this Safari on macOS or iOS?
Can you reproduce the issue here or is it on some other site?
Of course I can, here's the video
On iOS - everything is in order, this behavior only on iMac 5K and MacBook Pro 2017, with the latest updates Safari
Accordingly, and on my forum, everything here also jumps, for all who work for the Apple iMac
At first I was looking for a mistake in myself, but then users began to write that the top of the forum behaves very strange. But when I noticed that in your forum too, I opened the topic. The problem only concerns forums where the logo has a picture, if it's text, there are no problems.
That seems to be the total opposite to what I'm seeing here. The only difference being I'm using Version 11.0.2 (13604.4.5). But @Kier has just had a go too and we're not seeing anything like that.
I mean, I can obviously understand how it could happen, at the end of the day there's a period of time between when the image is requested and when it is loaded and until it loads it doesn't know its height, but typically that wouldn't matter or would be so negligible you wouldn't see it. After at least the first load, it should start loading from the cache rather than having to re-download it. My only theory was perhaps we're looking at older hardware here, but clearly that's not the case (you're actually using newer hardware than me, at least, as I've got a 2016 MBP).
Could you open the "Network" tab in your browser and screenshot its contents after what should be a cached page load? Mine looks like this:
Sorry, but I have a Russian version of OSX
But basically the same thing as you. The cache was not deleted, so most likely the logo is not cached for some reason. I repeat, the problem is only on Safari, in other browsers it is not detected.
The main thing is that the issue is solved and voiced and you can find a solution and close the topic! Thank you very much, we are looking forward to the final release, we are looking forward to translating all your resources into your forum!
I thought about it, but this is my first forum on XF - if you describe in detail where to go, what to click and insert the height size, I will be very grateful to you!
I thought about it, but this is my first forum on XF - if you describe in detail where to go, what to click and insert the height size, I will be very grateful to you!
@CyberAP / @Astra , sorry to drag up such an old thread, but I have a question.
Our site, like most, scales depending on device/browser width. We are having the same complaints Astra originally made about the header jumping. However, if we set the height per post #11 would that create issues as the site scaled?