XF 1.2 JS Error - unknown

I added it , now when clicking http://www.sphynxlair.com/community/js/ i get this below unlike just the blank page for xenforo http://xenforo.com/community/js/

View attachment 63123
That's fine. Nothing to really worry about.

You're likely getting that because there is no blank index.html file (as I've repeatedly stated, you're missing them). There should be few of them in key places. Rather than trying them all down, the quick solution would be to re-upload xenforo.
That's fine. Nothing to really worry about.

You're likely getting that because there is no blank index.html file (as I've repeatedly stated, you're missing them). There should be few of them in key places. Rather than trying them all down, the quick solution would be to re-upload xenforo.
just reupload and overwrite the folders, not an install again correct?
And another - they were all updated on my last xenforo update from nov 5th that i did on the 9th version 1.2.3 - what gives?

View attachment 63124
I have expressed my issues with the way your host does this.

I believe it was @LuvMeSumZen who discovered that the host had completely replaced their htaccess files. Another individual found that 1/2 of their php files had changed permission settings. And in your case, index files don't always index.

You're welcome to take my advise or not. The choice is yours. Even @Mike Edge would be a better alternative that what you are currently working with.
That is correct. But if the index.html files are already there and they are not working (and assuming you have not change anything else) .... This is something outside of your control (and mine).
Well as i was browsing throughout different folders i clearly see the index.html files which were all uploaded during my last upgrade of 1.2.3 of xenforo , i am very concerned…@brogan and @Jeremy - any suggestions?
If your server is ignoring index.html files and allowing users to browse directories, you have larger problems with your host and should contact them.
Thank you for confirming this :)

Here is my solution to that issue;


Host Gator isn't really hostgator. They are EIG

Who is EIG?

Now if you want something to further back all this.... One need only visit webhostingtalk.com and you will see the level of "crazy" that seems to happen as a result from EIG. Or do a search on any development community.
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Although i have had no real issues with hostgator - honestly- for many years, i will head your advice and look at other options, if they are possibly ignoring areas of security, it may be time to look elsewhere...
I think this may be this issue- I have an old httaccess file (in the root) and the one in the library @Adam Howard referenced with just
Order deny,allow
Deny from all

Where the other has my redirects amongst many other things. Perhaps one overrides the other hence bypassing the index.html? Perhaps it's not the host here?
It sounds as if I need to redo the entire httaccess- is there someone you can recommend to assist me here on Xenforo? I know @Jake Bunce helped with the redirect portion, I want someone to help redo the entire file.
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