Hi, I'm trying to install this Instagram feed, I would like to show it using ADS sections in settings.
The problem is that when I put this code in html section:
I receive this errors in console:
do you know why?
The problem is that when I put this code in html section:
<script src="ggg-extra/jquery.instagramFeed/jquery.instagramFeed.min.js"></script>
$(window).on('load', function(){
'username': 'instagram',
'container': "#instagram-feed1",
'display_profile': true,
'display_biography': true,
'display_gallery': true,
'callback': null,
'styling': true,
'items': 8,
'items_per_row': 4,
'margin': 1
jquery.instagramFeed.min.js:12 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
at jquery.instagramFeed.min.js:12
(anonymous) @ jquery.instagramFeed.min.js:12
(index):4555 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
at (index):4555