[ITD] Edit post by double clicking.

[ITD] Edit post by double clicking. 1.0.0

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Mian Shahid

Well-known member
ITDarasgah submitted a new resource:

[ITD] Edit post by double clicking. - Edit post by double clicking.

This Add-on will enable editing a post by mouse double clicking for appropriate users.


  1. Log in to your "ACP" and go to "Install Add-on" page.
  2. Select the Unzipped XML file and click the Install Add-on button.
That's all :)

Sending a donation:

If you like this add-on, please consider sending a small donation. My PayPal email address provided upon request via Private Conversation.

Thank you.

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So you posted that this works with 1.2 & 1.3 but no mention of 1.4.
Installation of this add-on in 1.4 will disable the following function

So, if you want this add-on in 1.4, I will make it for you :)
You don't have to do that for me. I was just interested. Of course, if anyone ELSE wants that as well...
Bummer. There's no way I'm disabling select-to-quote, that's one of the best 1.4 improvements :(
I agree, That is why i mentioned that "IF" any one want to use it in 1.4, then he should aware that the best 1.4's improvement will no longer be available after installing it, so he had to decide either he need this function or the best reply & quote of selection in 1.4. :)
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