Issues exporting database and importing


Hi guys and gals

I am trying to move my xenforo database from a shared linux host to my own windows apache+mysqlCE based server.

Now here's the problem when I exported (via phpmyadmin) the Xenforo database and tried importing it to the Windows mysql server.

Here's the query both PMA and Mysql workbench seems to use
-- Dumping data for table `EWRporta_blocks`

INSERT INTO `EWRporta_blocks` (`block_id`, `title`, `version_string`, `version_id`, `url`, `install_callback_class`, `install_callback_method`, `uninstall_callback_class`, `uninstall_callback_method`, `cache`, `display`, `groups`, `locked`, `active`) VALUES
('BoardTotals', 'Forum Statistics', '1.0.0', 1, '', '', '', '', '', '+1 hours', 'show', '', 0, 1),
('FaceBook', 'Facebook FanBox', '1.0.0', 1, '', '', '', '', '', '+1 days', 'show', '', 0, 1),
('OnlineUsers', 'Members Online Now', '1.0.0', 1, '', '', '', '', '', 'now', 'show', '', 0, 1),
('RecentNews', 'Recent News Article', '1.0.0', 1, '', '', '', '', '', '+1 hours', 'show', '', 0, 1),
('RecentThreads', 'Recently Active Threads', '1.0.0', 1, '', '', '', '', '', 'now', 'show', '', 0, 1),
('SharePage', 'Share This Page', '1.0.0', 1, '', '', '', '', '', '+1 days', 'show'[...]

and the mysql error:
#1062 - Duplicate entry 'BoardTotals' for key 'PRIMARY'
Do you have terminal access to your server? If you do use mysqldump to backup your database.
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