Is xF and it's resources ready for me yet?


Well-known member
I have one smallish forum running xF and I like it:)

I have a couple of larger vb forums with around a million posts and thousands of members. Its these I would like to eventually move to xF But.. I'm not a coder like that Digitalpoint guy who did such a great job, (y) so I need stuff off the peg just like I did with VB.

I use VBSEO is that a problem?
Both are paid subscription sites, so I need a subs system
I have photopost on one and VBgallery on another, over 10,000 photos on each
I use VBadvanced on both sites, which allows ad blocks and large last 30 posts on the front page etc
We use the calendar a lot, used to organise and publicise events
Both sites rely heavily on Downloads II
Both sites need a Garage presently using VB Pro Garage
Both have IBpro Arcade

Are we there or have I got to wait a while? Thanks
I have one smallish forum running xF and I like it:)

I have a couple of larger vb forums with around a million posts and thousands of members. Its these I would like to eventually move to xF But.. I'm not a coder like that Digitalpoint guy who did such a great job, (y) so I need stuff off the peg just like I did with VB.

I use VBSEO is that a problem?
Both are paid subscription sites, so I need a subs system
I have photopost on one and VBgallery on another, over 10,000 photos on each
I use VBadvanced on both sites, which allows ad blocks and large last 30 posts on the front page etc
We use the calendar a lot, used to organise and publicise events
Both sites rely heavily on Downloads II
Both sites need a Garage presently using VB Pro Garage
Both have IBpro Arcade

Are we there or have I got to wait a while? Thanks

VBSEO redirects seem to be handled fine if you set it up correctly before the import.

The user upgrades system works fine? Or do you mean pay to register sites?

Someone mentioned photopost integration somewhere, I think Robbos gallery will handle a VB gallery import once finished.

XenPorta / Wordpress would do this

Events callender addon.

Not sure what Downloads II offers, but would microdownloads handle this for you?

Not sure of anything similar at the moment. I do recall of some sort of garage addon somewhere, but not sure if it was a private addon, or public. (found it,

For the most part, I guess you'll need to dig around in the RM and relevent threads to find out if all your functionality is available yet.
Slavik has covered most of what you ask but I have a detail or two as well.

VBSEO? I have seen other transfers managing this but you might like to get help from SchmitzIT or Mike Edge about the redirects Slavik mentions.
paid subscription There's a new storefront addon due to arrive this month which does subscriptions/ or XF does it via upgrades.
photopost on one and VBgallery on another, over 10,000 photos Try searching on "photopost" here. There is also an addon gallery.
VBadvanced on both sites,- ad blocks and large last 30 posts on the front page etc xenporta or Simple Portal due soon.
calendar - publicise events xenatend
Downloads II microdownloads or showcase
Garage search on garage
IBpro Arcade search on arcade

When searching have a care to untick the box "Search this forum only" in my opinion a small XG flaw making this default.
Check out "Resources" on the top menu bar. This is the excellent XF Resources Manager with our collection of addons and tutorials.
Downloads 2 that is a downloads add-on much like the resource manager here at xenforo? I'm sure it is and since development is continuing thus will be the development of the Resource manager and will be released as an official xenforo add-on. More waiting is required.

Alternatively, there is Micro downloads that might suit your needs

Arcade can be found here

With regards to a gallery system there isn't honestly what I would call a mature gallery system though Jeremy is developing a gallery and robbo has a partially developed gallery he's still working on which you can purchase in it's current form but it may not have all the features yet you require.
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