XF 2.0 Is there a way to hook into the Rebuild process?


Active member
I'm developing an addon that extends the vanilla advertising positions.

I've managed to extend the regular xml data export as well as the developer json data export. When installing the addon, I add my custom data via the Setup::postInstall method at the end.

However, when rebuilding the addon. The system switches the addon inactive by setting is_processing to 1. So my custom code for the XF\AddOn\DataType\AdvertisingPosition is not run.

As far as I can see, there is no way to hook in there, or is there?
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There wouldn't really be a way to hook into this. I believe I mentioned this before, though there hasn't been a huge expectation that add-ons are extending the "base" systems. You will likely need to approach this a different way, such as by providing a manual system to do your add-on specific data rebuild.
Ok, thanks for going the extra mile and telling me again. :)
I guess I‘ll refactor the add-on to use my own advertising positions and adverts then. :)
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