I would like to make statistics page (no XF-related) for XenForo using GET API functions? I'm pretty sure it's possible but can someone explain me how? Spent couple hours searching that and didnt find anything. In XF2 is possible to make Pages like portals etc. but how I can make page using php, python or curl?
It's long time when I last made forums or websites and it have been changed alot. I have one script which is statitic and made with AngularJS. Is there anyway to put those Controllers to XF (I have ToolsController file?
That is from script what I'm meaning. Can I add required Tools Controllers and use those codes in XF2? XF does not include flashy but that's just for inform user success/error logs.
Should I keep learning more XF Docs or is this even close how it should be?
Redirect should change etc. to correct ones ofc, but how I can make page(s) for this kind of stuff?
I would like to make statistics page (no XF-related) for XenForo using GET API functions? I'm pretty sure it's possible but can someone explain me how? Spent couple hours searching that and didnt find anything. In XF2 is possible to make Pages like portals etc. but how I can make page using php, python or curl?
It's long time when I last made forums or websites and it have been changed alot. I have one script which is statitic and made with AngularJS. Is there anyway to put those Controllers to XF (I have ToolsController file?
* Katsotaan Bitcoin-osoitteen saldo (checking balance for btc address) (btc-osoite)
public function testiAddrVerifyCheckVerify()
$address = Request::get('address');
$url = file_get_contents(''.$address.'?limit=0&format=json');
$data = json_decode($url, true);
$balance = $data['final_balance'] / 100000000;
Flashy::message('Balanssi : '.$balance);
else {
Flashy::error('This is a not valid input');
catch(\Exception $e){
Flashy::error('This is a not valid input');
return redirect('tools/balance');
That is from script what I'm meaning. Can I add required Tools Controllers and use those codes in XF2? XF does not include flashy but that's just for inform user success/error logs.
Should I keep learning more XF Docs or is this even close how it should be?
Redirect should change etc. to correct ones ofc, but how I can make page(s) for this kind of stuff?