XF 1.4 IP Logging for Subscriptions?


Active member
Hi, I was wondering if these is any kind of IP-logging plugin or feature I could use to record the IP address of a user every time they access the forums. I'm about to introduce article subscriptions and I want to make sure people aren't sharing accounts with others. Does Xenforo have any kind of feature like this? I couldn't find anything similar to what I was looking for in the Resources section. Thank you!
XF logs IPs for various actions. Logins are one of the recorded actions.

But if you want to keep the log then be sure to check this box and increase the limit.

Admin CP -> Home -> Options -> Logging Options -> Delete IP usage data after X days

When viewing a user in the Admin CP there is an IP Addresses tab which shows their logged IPs.
Oh wow, thank you! Does that slow down performance by any chance?

Also since you're here, have you seen any kind of subscription plugin that tries to fight multiple accounts? Such as alerting admins if someone has radically different IPs or something?
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