IP addresses


Active member
Hi all,

Just having a play around with Xen Foro & the admin cp.

I have a question, well I have loads but I'll stick to one, for now. As Admin where do I see the user IP addresses? On Vbulletin which I was using before, when I click 'Online Members' (or look in their profile in admin cp) I could see all online and offline member IP's but I can't on Xen Foro?
I saw where one can enable IP addresses being viewable and I set the permissions for admins to view ips but when I click 'Members Online Now' I don't see anything. What am I missing? Thanks.
This is awesome! Thank you for having this in beta 2.
However, clicking on the ip takes over 4 seconds on my site to get the overlay to give any results. It's horribly slow for me.
This is awesome! Thank you for having this in beta 2.
However, clicking on the ip takes over 4 seconds on my site to get the overlay to give any results. It's horribly slow for me.

I am guessing that delay is from resolving the host names. Perhaps the host names should require an additional click to display.
As far as I can tell, I've set permissions so that mods/admin can see IPs on posts but I can't see how to set it so they show up on who's online... Can anyone tell me how to do this?
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