Invisionfree/zeta boards

What would that something be?

Hum, well to be honest Josh, I hadn't really put my figure on it until the other day when I was figuring out my own forum styles. While I understand the "less cluttered" look XF is going for, there needs to be something more on the forum list page. There is a long white space in between the forum name and the last post info which bothers me. It probably has a lot to do with having seen the same things for a few years=forum/thread/post/last post and change takes a while to get used to. But in all honestly, I like old school forum listings better. :)
Ok. Ok.. You're right Jake. I just took another look at it and it is pretty tabley, tablish, megatablish. Well just bite me then. ;)
Ok so my check out zeta board thread isn't working out so well for me. Fine, I'm taking my poptarts and fat ass to bed. :D

Night all.
It's 3 am here and so I'm getting sleepy..... But I'm sure css has away to give the look of a table layout, but without the slow load.
...... Just can't recall how...

Alright I'm curious enough to try making some square layouts.

I don't like boring squares though.
Considering the IB lawsuit on XF, I don't think even having anything like/close to vB for style for XF would be good idea at all... lmfao..
I wouldn't compare square layouts to vB3 because a lot of internet sites, not just forums, had table layouts back then.
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