Interview with Lawrence Cole - vBulletin Operations & Marketing Manager

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The Sandman

Well-known member
We've just published our Interview with Lawrence Cole - vBulletin Operations & Marketing Manager.

In the forums in general, and in the Licensed Customer Feedback forum in particular, you seem to be taking a harder line in responding to negative criticism. What's up with that?
Well, if you look back into some of the conversations that I’ve had I think the record will plainly show that I’ve only taken a hard line with posters who deviate from the conversation of vBulletin (one which I am always happy to engage in whether in praise or in criticism) and chose instead to attack me personally. I welcome any and all feedback about the vBulletin customer experience. I read and interact on the forums regularly to learn what customers need, want, and have expressed. What customers have to say about a given aspect of the brand is always at the forefront of my mind when I am making decisions about vBulletin.
Couldn't care less either Max. Not sure why we're being asked to give this any attention.
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