Installing xenForo (Testing so I can learn)

Thanks! It worked! So, I created the database, what should I do next? I need the exact command. I checked the site you gave me, i'm a bit skeptical.
Don't know why your skeptical. It's standard mySQL commands for creating a DB, creating a user, assigning user to the DB and granting permissions for that user.
You just need to use your own DB name, a username supplied by you (as well as the password).

What I'm more concerned with - as it seems you are not that familiar with Linux and command line interface - is what you are doing to secure your server. o_O
Don't know why your skeptical. It's standard mySQL commands for creating a DB, creating a user, assigning user to the DB and granting permissions for that user.
You just need to use your own DB name, a username supplied by you (as well as the password).

What I'm more concerned with - as it seems you are not that familiar with Linux and command line interface - is what you are doing to secure your server. o_O
Oh securing it I have someone else to do that, This is just a testing server just test on so I learn! Then, I'll get my friend to teach me how to secure it! (My friend is VERY experienced) Also, what does grant usage on *.* to amarokuser@localhost identified by 'amarokpasswd'; do? I'm onto that command.
Grants use on any DB that is on the system. If you only want it to have for that ONE DB, then you can use that DB name.
Grants use on any DB that is on the system. If you only want it to have for that ONE DB, then you can use that DB name.
Okay, so for that command I would do - grant usage on *.* to amarokuser@localhost identified by '[PASSWORD]';
but what would I put on amarokuser@localhost ? Would I just do a random name OR the database name? So [databasename]@localhost
Okay, so for that command I would do - grant usage on *.* to amarokuser@localhost identified by '[PASSWORD]';
but what would I put on amarokuser@localhost ? Would I just do a random name OR the database name? So [databasename]@localhost
amarokuser is the example username... as I reflected in an earlier post - you can use any username you like. And then you give it a password you have assigned to it.
amarokuser is the example username... as I reflected in an earlier post - you can use any username you like. And then you give it a password you have assigned to it.
Okay nice, just what I thought. So now, I did the last command which is - mysql -u [DataBaseName] -p'[Password]' [UserName] and it just showed an arrow -->
That means that you attached to that database with the user/password combo you created. That will be the DB and the username/password you will use to set up XenForo with.
Depends on where you have defined the vhost for the web server. In Apache it's typically in /var/www - but it can be anywhere that the root is defined in the virtual host for it.
Depends on where you have defined the vhost for the web server. In Apache it's typically in /var/www - but it can be anywhere that the root is defined in the virtual host for it.
Oh well I used Slavik's guide. Is their anything their that can tell me where I put it? I saw it but there's no part 3! So, I have apache installed, it's yum install httpd right? I think that's right however, I'm currently in /var/www/ and it shows these files -

Where would I put it? HTML?
If you are using OpenLiteSpeed it (on my Debian system) installed in /usr/local/lsws/DEFAULT/html. I'm not sure where it installs on a centOS install. Just do a locate lswsctrl and you will find the base directory area.
If you are using OpenLiteSpeed it (on my Debian system) installed in /usr/local/lsws/DEFAULT/html. I'm not sure where it installs on a centOS install. Just do a locate lswsctrl and you will find the base directory area.
Yes that's where it is, thanks a lot man!
Okay so.. I'm on Part 3 and when I do
it does this -
mv: cannot stat `': No such file or directory
[root@vps protected]#
Well, I know I did the guide correctly because I was looking at the pictures, and following the steps. What could be wrong? I did everything up to mv
@Tracy Perry @Jake Bunce
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The problem may be that you were LITERALLY following it - and in some cases that might not apply (like the mySQL DB setup).
Most guides assume some working knowledge.
Oh... well then I can't do this.
You can do it... you just need to set up a VM box on your PC and start playing with Linux and get comfortable in it. It's not Windows. Setting up a server takes a base knowledge of several areas.
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