Install in root, or in folder- opinions on which is best, also redirects


I am in the process of switching over my clan's website to xenforo from vb4.

In vb4 - I had everything installed in "Forums" folder, and had an index php redirect from the web root to this folder. I was running the cms, so the home webpage was , which was the CMS, so even though the path was, the web browser was

Now in the switch, I currently have xenforo installed in a "forums" folder. I have an index.php in the webroot again to point to this folder. I do want to use 8Runs Porta for a portal page (or I may end up creating a page) , but then the "Home" shows when I want it to read

I have tried htaccess, but maybe I am doing something incorrectly, as I just cant get it to work.

So, that made me think of just putting xenforo in the web root itself, not in a folder.

What are the pro's/cons of installing in the root versus a folder (forums, community, whatever)

Also- if anyone has any tips on re-directs and rewrites , I have searched and tried several different things, but just cant get anything to work.


Thanks Jake. I am using a index.php to redirect from the root to the /forums folder.

Do you have a recommended rewrite so that it drops the to look like ?
I recommend you put XenForo into the route, then use this to pick what you want as your index. :) It works very, very well and doesn't make managing where you install stuff more complex than it should.
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