XF 2.0 Inherited permissions for sub forums


This is probably a very simple thing to do, but I've spent an hour trying to figure it out with no luck.

My example: I want to prohibit members from posting in the Pet Archive Forum and all of its sub forums and their sub forums. When I uncheck the box ALLOW NEW MESSAGES TO BE POSTED IN THIS FORUM the sub forums don't inherit that setting, and members can post there. In reality I have about 2 dozen sub forums so clicking one checkbox as opposed to dozens is preferable. Can you point me in the right direction to get this accomplished? Many thanks and happy 2020!


Pet Archive Forum
......Large Dogs
............Black Dogs
............White Dogs
............Brown Dogs
......Medium Dogs
............Black Dogs
............White Dogs
............Brown Dogs
......Small Dogs
............Black Dogs
............White Dogs
............Brown Dogs
......Large Birds
......Medium Birds
......Small Birds
So you don't want anybody to post or see those forums? If so, then use node permissions for pet archive forum to allow or deny access to your usergroups.
Permission analyzer works for me every time. Pick a user that should not see, and that node. It will say YES to the permission you need to make No, or Never.
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