Implemented Infraction System: *please* make it friendly to the enduser


Well-known member

I've just received an infraction on a vB-related website (my 2nd overall in 9 years, so I am doing good ;)). It's no point sharing the details (but apparently I made a mistake by friendly inviting people over to XenForo...<-- okeee, *some* details then!), because I don't want to start a discussion that is not constructive.

But, I want to use this experience in a positive way and share my feelings/thoughts about the infraction system itself and why I think it doesn't work. We spoke about it before, but I thought to give it a thread on it's own (if that's okay):

Infraction systems are a good way to kill your forum's membership and to light up extra drama.
This is exactly my experience. For example: everytime I log into vB4's User Settings over at, or even worse: my own profile!, the mention of the infraction I got over there months ago, glances at me. It is not making me feel welcome, is it? I know more people feel like this. That's why I never activated the whole thing on my own platform. Again, I have contributed many suggestions to remove it at least from the profile, but it was never picked up.

This was (and is) precisely what I think is so bad in vBulletin's implementation of it's Infraction System. It's obvious to see that XenForo has a strong social vision and if there ever comes a time that XenForo has some kind of Infraction System implemented, please take this into consideration. It is very simple (IMHO): on a social platform people do not want to be confronted with their past (or current) infractions every single time they go to their own profile.

Support please :).
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There was a pretty involved discussion about this a few months back here.

Personally, I would really like to see some form of infraction system. Currently, other than going through a giant list of closed reports, there's no way to track member incidents. Additionally, the points system in infractions gave users a clear idea on when they would be banned from the community if they continued doing what they were doing. I understand the VB approach is not exactly the friendliest, but it is certainly the most efficient out there right now, IMO.

After evaluating a number of comments in that thread and this, my ideal system would be the following:
  1. Warning system on/off (global switch for those that just don't want it).
  2. Admin customizable warnings with reasons (which also appear as selectable radios when reporting a post)
  3. Mods / Admins can, upon review, change the warning (or select multiple), choose no action, and if action is taken choose whether or not to apply points / strikes (values customizable per offense by admin and whether or not points expire).
  4. User receives notification action was taken and which forum rules were broken, along with their new "account standing".
  5. Account standing is customizable by the administrator (defaults can be "Good Standing", "Poor Standing", "Currently Banned"). Essentially, the admin defines how many points / strikes an account can have and still be in "good standing". A user can view their account standing via their user cp under an "account standing" section (similar to how Youtube does it) and, if they desire, request XF to display their record (it is hidden by default, normally only displaying account standing, not even warning / strike numbers).
  6. Admin defines the number of points / strikes required to be auto-banned, similar to VB and IPB. However, autobans can be overridden at mod/admin discretion.
  7. Obviously, management capabilities in the XF admin panel to manually assign warnings / strikes, change account standing, remove incidents, edit incidents, etc. Also, a way for admin/mod to view incidents and warnings / strikes for each user (if permission is given)
Why do I say this is ideal? For one, the entire system can be turned off. Second, because only account standing is displayed to the member (unless they really dig) users who may have broken the rules only a few times will still see an "account in good standing" notice, which takes away the feeling of being ousted for one or two mistakes. Lastly, it streamlines post reporting, management, and handling. Two very different moderators can handle a situation pretty much the same across the board (with the proper instruction).

Just my idea; hope some other like it :).
Are you thinking of like a warn system that IPB and Vbulletin have? Personally being able to see the warns as an admin and the individual would be nice.
I saw in another thread about an infraction system being implemented... is that official, or still just a suggestion?

I want to convert over between 3 and 5 vBs, but 2 (maybe 3) of those cannot be migrated without an infraction system. It'd be a complete showstopper.

I haven't reviewed the entire thread, but a lot of what people were saying against infraction systems was bad management of those forums. If you have idiots running a forum, then they'll find to ways to be idiots with or without an infraction system.

But for some of us an infraction system is a must. Some forums are just generally way more volatile and you have to a way to warn people (with consequences) and keep track of what's gone on beforehand.
I saw in another thread about an infraction system being implemented... is that official, or still just a suggestion?

I want to convert over between 3 and 5 vBs, but 2 (maybe 3) of those cannot be migrated without an infraction system. It'd be a complete showstopper.

I haven't reviewed the entire thread, but a lot of what people were saying against infraction systems was bad management of those forums. If you have idiots running a forum, then they'll find to ways to be idiots with or without an infraction system.

But for some of us an infraction system is a must. Some forums are just generally way more volatile and you have to a way to warn people (with consequences) and keep track of what's gone on beforehand.

Everything there is official.

Cheers. "Warnings for trouble-making users". Sounds like something along those lines... will wait and see and what turns up.

And thanks Brogan will check that out.

The good thing is I'm not on a strict agenda, so can hang around to a certain extent to see what comes out officially. I am well aware that that XF is still a v1 product. But I need to balance up an aging system and a need to replace vs my enthusiasms for XF vs current systems which I can't break or risk upsetting lots of people.

Somewhere along this parth, vB will become XF!

P.S. coming back to here, getting a notification that someone replied to my post so I can just hop back here - this is why XenForo is awesome and just impresses so many people!
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