Incentives for modders to offer their mod for XF?

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I think a lot of vBorg modders will be asked these days if they're going to offer their mod for XF as well.
I think a lot of them will as there is a lot of goodwill. Is XF offering any incentives to modders? License cost will be an issue
A lot of mods were not released for vB4 in part due to the cost of getting it but also it became apparent pretty quick that the version had A LOT of problems. Most of the coders didn't want to do anything until it was stable. It might be with 4.07 but I can't say for sure since I don't have it loaded anywhere. Now I think a lot of coders have just given up and are staying at 3.8 for their sites so they are not writing for 4.x.
A lot of things were still being changed last I heard, and there aren't enough fixes being done with the versions to make it stable enough to work with (At least from what I saw when we were considering it for my new site).

already explained above.

I asked for the logic behind it, your explanation isn't very logical to me. 
Why should they do that? They're already -paying- for a license, and they're helping to support XenForo by offering services to reach a wider target audience (Galleries, CMS, Portal, Blogs done by 3rd parties will mean people will switch).

Perhaps a fee for posting paid software -on- XenForo (With strict rules regarding signatures and lite software), but to force developers or designers to pay further just because they wish to make some money off their work? Thats ridiculous, and would end up being the end of XenForo for me, no matter how much I like the system.

I agree with this. The freelance coders/designers can kick in a piece of the action upstairs for every mod that they will list here as paid or sell, as mentioned by erich37, but I doubt that we will see a lot of free mods/themes here either then as most of the coders/desiners will be turned off by such a restriction. Plus I don''t think it will help the image of the xenforo in general if they did that. As far as I know, no other forums does that...
why should XF provide any incentives to modders, when in fact modders are able to generate a great source of income for themselves by using this platform ?
why should XF provide any incentives to modders, when in fact modders are able to generate a great source of income for themselves by using this platform ?

Why do you think vBulletin has done so well, and remained the better of the major forum systems until recently? Because of the modding and developer community.

Many people state "I'd move to IPB, but they don't have so-an-so modificatoin there, so I can't", which is a valid argument. Now forcing people who will be spending their own time (Which they -should- be paid for) developing modifications, and then requiring them to pay a developer fee like Apple does, just to release them? Apple does so for various reasons, none of which would really fit XenForo.

Rather then requiring a % of income to be paid for developing paid add-ons, they should offer a system for -advertising- paid add-ons on XenForo, which will bring income back to them, as well as bring attention to various paid add-ons. I would hope they had some quality assurance for add-ons that are being advertised, but that isn't even required, as it would be up to the customer to buy it.

Your suggestion has the possibility to drive people away, which is why it isn't logical, and why so many people will be against it. The modification and style community can break or make XenForo, which I have stated in several other posts. 
Why ?
Because modders are making money based on that platform developed by Kier and Mike.

Ever heard about "Franchising" ?

I think you are confused about what a franchise is. With a franchise the company provides the franchisee with the rights to sell their products.

In this case modders are making totally different products using XenForo as a platform. It would be like suggesting every PC Software company pay money to microsoft to be allowed to make software that runs on windows. Silly idea IMHO.

Personally i support Kier & Mike offering a small incentive to modders/coders, but I think it should come in the form of making the coders job a little easier - for instance giving early access to unpolished beta versions so coders can have their mods updated for the general beta/gold release. Perhaps a section on XenForo where a small number of trusted, verified companies/coders could be listed - this would let XF customers know these are companies that can be trusted, and also give the companies a little more exposure =)

In saying that, I don't think either of those are essential, just possibilities =)
Reading some of the posts in this thread, I really do wonder about the sanity of some posters. Most people who release modifications do not do it for money, they do it to share things they have made for themselves with others.

Why would coders need an incentive ? - easy, because they are not going to shell out $100 and their free time just to convert modifications to XF. Im certainly not, and Im quite sure a lot of others are not either - and no, there is not going to be some magic mass migration by everyone to XF either. I already posted in another thread that they could offer an evaluation/developers licence - i.e. one that allowed you the software for development use, but not to run a publicly accessible forum. I dont expect it will happen, but one can only suggest.
Reading some of the posts in this thread, I really do wonder about the sanity of some posters. Most people who release modifications do not do it for money, they do it to share things they have made for themselves with others.

Why would coders need an incentive ? - easy, because they are not going to shell out $100 and their free time just to convert modifications to XF. Im certainly not, and Im quite sure a lot of others are not either - and no, there is not going to be some magic mass migration by everyone to XF either. I already posted in another thread that they could offer an evaluation/developers licence - i.e. one that allowed you the software for development use, but not to run a publicly accessible forum. I dont expect it will happen, but one can only suggest.
Some of this went off a bit from being incentive for developers switching to develop for XenForo to paid modifications (Which was discussed to hell previously).

I think its quite reasonable to plan some incentive for developers to switch from their currently preferred system, as people will generally stay with what is comfortable to them (I stayed with vB3-vB4 up until now, because I am comfortable with it for the most part, not so much with vB4 however), and easing the transition, or providing some benefit seems quit logical.

I do not think they should receive free or discounted licenses, as that could breed dissent between people who are not developers or designers, but I do think they should be given reasons to move if they do choose so, or are at least considering it. 
I don't think that the vB4 license fee is the real issue.

vB4 is pretty much dead in the water. Noone who's serious about running a forum wants to upgrade to it, do you? So why would anyone serious about developing forum plugins code for it?

I think XenForo is a whole different beast right there.

A special dev license that doesn't allow you to run a publicly accessible forum is an interesting idea though. But that's about the most incentive I can think of.
I don't see a reason for modification makers to get a discount. It's simple really, if they don't want to buy into xenForo they don't have to. If there is a demand for a modification I'm sure someone will step up to the plate and build their own version of it.

That's just how I feel about it.
I don't see a reason for modification makers to get a discount. It's simple really, if they don't want to buy into xenForo they don't have to. If there is a demand for a modification I'm sure someone will step up to the plate and build their own version of it.

That's just how I feel about it.
Though, many of the more popular mod makers have already given tentative feedback on whether or not they're going to switch.
vB4 is pretty much dead in the water. Noone who's serious about running a forum wants to upgrade to it, do you? So why would anyone serious about developing forum plugins code for it?
Sorry but vB4 is not dead by a long way, I think you will find they are still nicely selling licences. ;)
A shame to hear you're not going to port some of your mods over Paul, but I certainly can understand your reason for it.
Sadly no im not, the price is clearly a show stopper, but tbh, even if they gave me a free licence i wouldnt really have the time. Im sure someone out the supposed mass exodus will convert them. I wish them well. :)
Everybody has an excuse for either styling, testing, developing for others, making mods, or just because they are cheap and don't want to pay.

We all have a reason why we'd like to get an instance for free. Sorry

Pay, like everybody else.
I dont know if thats aimed at me, or its just coincidence you post it now, but either way - I have no intention of paying. :p
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