improved acp navigation


Well-known member
i am a little surprised with all the developers coding that i didnt come across something like this already.....did i miss it?

mainly, it feels like such a chore to navigate admin cp lately........less clicks, less scrolling, its always a welcome improve in my book....

more specifically its the template lists and addon type pages we suffer the most but i really am surprised there is:

-no pagination at top of template list(must scroll all the way to bottom EVERY time)
-no top/bottom arrows for quick page position jumping

it seems this should be easy to do for one with the general skill on it......i am not exactly sure about addons for admincp, i know its alot less common.....perhaps everyone just uses search, but i think alot of ppl could appreciate this if its not been done already.

nice one, thank you ozzy47 :)

i did miss that first one.....i got the second one, we just have so many it really could help for a go to top/bottom button lol.....seems like something nice to just see standard these days, like a browser tool or something..hmm
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