Well-known member
improve UI / username missing at own Avatar / reply-box
since there is no username (my own username at the reply-box), this is confusing for new users, especially if they want to post a reply to a thread, but have not yet uploaded their Avatar-image.
I initially thought this is a bug at my own Forum, but checking this now it is really confusing for a new user and when you have no Avatar-image uploaded.
A new user who is not very familiar with Forums, would not expect that this is "his" box to reply, since there is no image and also no username showing at the "reply-box".
since there is no username (my own username at the reply-box), this is confusing for new users, especially if they want to post a reply to a thread, but have not yet uploaded their Avatar-image.
I initially thought this is a bug at my own Forum, but checking this now it is really confusing for a new user and when you have no Avatar-image uploaded.
A new user who is not very familiar with Forums, would not expect that this is "his" box to reply, since there is no image and also no username showing at the "reply-box".