Impossible to start reading unread thread from first post

I usually go to New Posts and then click the title of a thread I haven't read before. If I have read the thread before I click the arrow to take me to the new post.
I usually go to New Posts and then click the title of a thread I haven't read before. If I have read the thread before I click the arrow to take me to the new post.
I read thousands of threads per day on my own, and many other forums, how do you keep track of the ones you read? (I only click on the little box in front of the new threads)
ok, but clicking on the little box in front of the thread takes you to the first unread post, right? I am not sure you need to remember which ones you read (or didn't read).

Sure, but I usually remember if I have read it or not. Still not sure we are on the same page.

Do you agree that if I have never read a thread it should take me to the first post if I click the thread title?
Sure, but I usually remember if I have read it or not. Still not sure we are on the same page.
I think we are exactly on the same page.

Typically users click on the ity bity little square in front of the unread thread, to get to the first unread post - that takes time because of mouse placement - especially with a mouse pad on laptops because they are fighting with a speed /accuracy issue (small area for 'mouse movement').

To more accommodate typical uses in real life, in xf:
  • Clicking on the thread title does exactly what the clicking on the little box in front of the new threads does in vb3.8 using the database thread marking system
  • The far more rarely used go to first post in thread - is accomplished by clicking on the date of the thread creation.
  • And just like in vb 3.8, posts older than the timeout setting in the database thread marking system, are marked as read.
Initially there was much much discussions about this and the overwhelming majority really liked how it was set up. But the way suggestions on how to do things works is like this:
  • discuss, decide, implement - most are happy and they go away thinking the matter is resolved
  • new people come in, and are unclear, express disapproval, things are carefully explained, and most are happy enough
  • then as time goes on, more and more people post up disapproval, things are not explained to them - and it looks like the original decision was not well thought out - because everyone is complaining, and the ones that are happy are no longer around.
So this behavior is only suppose to happen after 28 days? If so I will make 100% to pay attention to dates to see if this is happening on threads that are not 28 days or older that I have not read.
By the way, thanks for taking so much time to reply. It is a refreshing change from vBulletin where you usually get ignored or canned responses.
By the way, thanks for taking so much time to reply. It is a refreshing change from vBulletin where you usually get ignored or canned responses.
You are quite welcome. :)

I like giving complete and easily understood answers. It was quite fortunate that you are familiar with the database thread marking system, many are not.
hmmmmmmmmmm..... I've never read this thread before. I see that it was posted at 2:55 am, but I haven't read it til now.

When I clicked on the thread title, I was transported to the last post in the thread. I'm wondering why.

I get the same thing, I brought it up a few weeks back.
I haven't read this thread either, yet, it took me to page 3
Why? It's odd behaviour and it's the only thing I dislike about Xenforo heh.
Yes I do.:)

I know that may explain it, however, thats how many people use forums, and the way it works here is going to irritate one hell of a lot of forum users once people start using this on their own forums. It shouldn't be hard to change as I would assume that XF works pretty much the same as VB in that it keeps a record in a table of threads you have actually visited, so it would not be hard to change the behaviour of each thread link based on whether you had actually (really) read the thread rather than the overall "forum read" marking.

For once, I agree with Paul M, there's no logic at all in throwing a user mid way through a thread when he/she hasn't even read it yet.
This happens to me on a frequent basis when viewing this forum, nearly 90% of the threads I've never opened, I get thrown to a seemingly random post.
It's the main reason I'm holding off on buying a XF license right now, as it just doesn't make any sense.
I haven't read this thread either, yet, it took me to page 3
This thread was merged. Multiple times with other threads over time (I believe), you can read my other posts, but when threads are merged it gets a little complicated.
Thanks Dean, but it happens on new threads to
Like I hadn't visited here in about a week, saw a whole bunch of new threads I knew I hadn't read, yet when clicking the thread title, it took me either to the end, or mid way through a seemingly random page number.
For instance, the IB taking Xenforo to court thread, I think it took me to page 20 when I clicked the thread title and I sure as heck hadn't read that one! hehe
OK guys, I think it's reasonable that clicking on a thread title takes you to the first post in a thread that you never opened/read whether the 28 days has passed or not.
There must be some kind of recording/marking system that indicate whether a user has been in a thread before or not, so why not using such system to get around this issue.
Although I really hate to repeat myself, I'd say it again, XenForo is all about intuitive and being as user-friendly as possible, and that is not the case when it comes to this issue.
I've no idea what forum software you use. It may be possible that re-reading starting at this post may help you:

Or it may not help you. It is a bit difficult to put into perspective unless I know what software you are using.

Well I've been using VB for 8 years and normally when you click a thread title, it goes to the first post, on the first page, regardless if you've read the thread or not
On here, it seems to go to a random post/page, whether I've read it previously or not.
... I'd say it again, XenForo is all about intuitive and being as user-friendly as possible...
Actually that is the exact reason it is set up the way it is. So people can click on the large thread title instead of needing to click on a little tiny square in front of a thread - to take people to the first unread post, as opposed the the far less frequently used first post in thread (when the thread has been read before).

Here is what I wrote yesterday, if you are using the vb database thread marking system, it may make sense:

Typically users click on the ity bity little square in front of the unread thread, to get to the first unread post - that takes time because of mouse placement - especially with a mouse pad on laptops because they are fighting with a speed /accuracy issue (small area for 'mouse movement').

To more accommodate typical uses in real life, in xf:
  • Clicking on the thread title does exactly what the clicking on the little box in front of the new threads does in vb3.8 using the database thread marking system
  • The far more rarely used go to first post in thread - is accomplished by clicking on the date of the thread creation.
  • And just like in vb 3.8, posts older than the timeout setting in the database thread marking system, are marked as read.
Initially there was much much discussions about this and the overwhelming majority really liked how it was set up. But the way suggestions on how to do things works is like this:
  • discuss, decide, implement - most are happy and they go away thinking the matter is resolved
  • new people come in, and are unclear, express disapproval, things are carefully explained, and most are happy enough
  • then as time goes on, more and more people post up disapproval, things are not explained to them - and it looks like the original decision was not well thought out - because everyone is complaining, and the ones that are happy are no longer around.
Actually that is the exact reason it is set up the way it is. So people can click on the large thread title instead of needing to click on a little tiny square in front of a thread - to take people to the first unread post, as opposed the the far less frequently used first post in thread (when the thread has been read before).

Here is what I wrote yesterday, if you are using the vb database thread marking system, it may make sense:

It seems you lost me here.
I really do like the way it works, my only objection is when you have threads which you have never opened before, in this case it is more logical that the thread title takes you to the first post in a thread despite the period that the admin has set to make a thread/post as read. In this case and in this case only a thread title should take you to the first post in a thread.
Well, hope you got what I mean. :)
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