Importing data


Active member
Hi everyone,

I am migrating from PHPBB and I have installed and imported the database for testing on a clean install of Xenforo, I have now tested Xenforo and installed all the addons and set the permissions etc...

I am wondering can I just import the data again from PHPBB or will I have to clean the entire database install XF again and then install all the addons once again?

Would make life easier if I didn't have to do the later.

Imports shouldn't be run multiple times on the same install. There is no easy way to deal with duplicate content. You should take a backup before the import so you can revert back to it if you need to import again.
Just a quick question, if I install a fresh copy, import the styles and then install all the addons, I guess on the day of the migration I can just import the database, setup permissions and then its all ready? correct? thanks
Imports shouldn't be run multiple times
Would make life easier if I didn't have to do the later.
This add-on adds a number of new options when performing an import from another forum software.

By allowing you to undo steps, skip steps and recover previous imports, and by skipping over any IDs that have previously been imported when you run a step more than once, this add-on makes debugging an importer or performing a staged import easier than ever.

This add-on is an advanced tool. Always backup before performing an import. It is also recommended to run a full test import first before completing an import for real.
Many thanks Doctor ;) to be on the safe side I have installed a fresh copy and have installed all the addons I am going to use, now on the day import the data, ensure the permissions are correct and that's it :)
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