
I have absolutely *no* inside information at all. But if I had a ipb site, or a vb4 site, personally I would wait for a converter to be made.

*personal opinion only*
I'm in the same boat with a lot of others. I can't make the commitment to Xenforo without proper import from vb4. I'm just not willing to start from scratch, regardless of how good the alternative product is. Starting over is not a viable option whatsoever.
There no doubt WILL be an importer available. I would hazard to guess by Gold. If you have the extra funds, why not buy XF now, get the style/add ons to your liking, then import your community when ready.
ok ive read this whole topic, but I do hope there is gonna be a smf converter, smf is dieing the team are still worthless, darn even have teamm members who are breaking the law. Dont wanna lose my members and posts, nor do I wanna convert 20 times to get to XF when I buy it. :)
ok ive read this whole topic, but I do hope there is gonna be a smf converter, smf is dieing the team are still worthless, darn even have teamm members who are breaking the law. Dont wanna lose my members and posts, nor do I wanna convert 20 times to get to XF when I buy it. :)
phpbb importer needed here..i moved out site away from a hosting site that used vb3 and moved to phpbb..

If you have access to vB's impex, it can be done. I've detailed how in the customer support boards. I outlined how to do it for SMF, but with a few modifications it would work for phpBB or any other forum.
Pfft. The NPO switch hasn't done a damn thing for SMF. And this is coming from a former Team member. It's still the same people just under a new umbrella.

Anyways, back on topic, I will start working on an SMF converter once I get off my lazy butt and purchase a license. May think about working on an IPB one as well.
actually smf is finally getting away form the single member llc and getting an npo. MIght mean a truly open source version..

Highly doubt it will matter. SMF thinks its open source truly but it isn't. If it were then there would be no BS like there is now. Don't get me wrong SMF is a very powerful forum with great features that I believe XenForo should also have, such as a theme manager where you just upload and apply :) but the current team behind it pretty much stinks. The current developers don't have much experience. Pretty much all the developers who had experience and knew the code left because of the NPO, among other things. If SMF was trually open source, I believe it would have been forked for the better, cause the current management has their iron fist on it and will never let it go.

It's not the script, it's the people behind it currently. I myself am also planning on buying an XenForo license, gotta save up first or wait for my birthday, lol.
i';m not going to use xenforo on some of my sites til there is a importer for IPB. no reason to wipe the existing forum out and start new. :D
cant wait.

It really shouldn't be too hard to create importers. Mybb which is a free forum script has importers for about every forums script there is. with the professional programmers and such here at XF. shouldnt be too complicated
Please, please, please when doing the importer for IPB, make it to where it will actually carry over the group permissions for the various forums. I support a website who wanted to go from IPB 3.1.2 to VB 3.8.6, and I don't know if something was done wrong, but I had to go through and set all the perms back up.

Not fun.
Please, please, please when doing the importer for IPB, make it to where it will actually carry over the group permissions for the various forums. I support a website who wanted to go from IPB 3.1.2 to VB 3.8.6, and I don't know if something was done wrong, but I had to go through and set all the perms back up.

Not fun.
And make sure it brings in quotes properly. Always an issue with importing from IPB I find.
Pfft. The NPO switch hasn't done a damn thing for SMF. And this is coming from a former Team member. It's still the same people just under a new umbrella.

Anyways, back on topic, I will start working on an SMF converter once I get off my lazy butt and purchase a license. May think about working on an IPB one as well.
Too late princess. Funny that I see familiar faces here.

I have already started on an SMF importer which is working well enough for anyone with PHP knowledge to use. I will finish it oneday.
Too late princess. Funny that I see familiar faces here.

I have already started on an SMF importer which is working well enough for anyone with PHP knowledge to use. I will finish it oneday.
I am glad someone is doing it. With all the recent people leaving, I will soon be leaving it. The straw breaking my support is that my fav styler, eotsdzine, left and now I need to theme myself, easily enough with xenforo....
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