Implemented Implement LinkableInterface on more content types

DragonByte Tech

Well-known member
I would like LinkableInterface implemented on the following entities:
  • ConversationMessage
  • ProfilePost
  • User
I used these exact content types in the suggestion thread, so I'm puzzled as to why they weren't implemented. I would have assumed this interface would be applied to every entity that has a corresponding route.

If you'd like me to go through every entity to find ones that are missing their LinkableInterface I'd be happy to do so, for now the above are my initial requests.

Could you please implement this for Beta 2?
Upvote 7
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I definitely would like it was implemented on;
  • ConversationMaster
  • ConversationMessage
  • ProfilePost
  • ProfilePostComment
  • User
  • Report
  • ResourceUpdate/ResourceItem
  • Node (Forum/Category/LinkForum/SearchForum/Pages)
  • Attachment (proxy wrapper around Content=> LinkableInterface, really should force LinkableInterface to be implemented if content is going to host an attachment)
Attachments is a complex one, but it gives a unified way to find the content an XF:Attachment is linked to for display.

Nodes, as one day I dream of some standard way to discover the parent entity from a child entity. ie MySnowFlakeAddonThingy => post => thread => forum for breadcrumbs
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