XF 1.4 Images Alt tag for imported rss, question


Active member
Hello forum , for some reason AltTag for images importing incorrectly . here is structure of my rss file

This is just an Example how i structured rss file:

<title>Top-Rated BUCKHEAD!!</title>
<description><![CDATA[<br />

<a href='http://www.site.com' target=_blank><img width="50%" height="auto" title="Top-Rated BUCKHEAD!!" alt="Top-Rated BUCKHEAD!!" src='http://site.com/k6a9664psdcroppedcompressed.jpg' border=0></a><br />
<br />]]></description>
<link>http://www.site.com/link/link.asp?ID=69662</link><keyword>Top-Rated BUCKHEAD!!</keyword>

So when i import this type of rss , all imported correctly (no keyword , but I already know that forum imported dont read or import keywords ) , but alt tag , when i sourse imported thread it looks like this

blockquote class="messageText SelectQuoteContainer ugc baseHtml">

<div style="text-align: left"><br />
<a href="http://site.com/k6a9664psdcroppedcompressed.jpg" class="internalLink"><br />
<img src="http://site.com/k6a9664psdcroppedcompressed.jpg" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" alt="[&#x200B;IMG]" data-url="http://site.com/k6a9664psdcroppedcompressed.jpg" /></a><br />
&#8203;</div><br />
<a href="http://site.com/k6a9664psdcroppedcompressed.jpg" target="_blank" class="externalLink" rel="nofollow">See my ad...</a>
<div class="messageTextEndMarker">&nbsp;</div>

i have no idea where this alt tag getting from . plz help , how to correctly show alttag

thank you
You would need to modify the code to change that, but it's not "generated" from anywhere. It's just what every image has as an alt.
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