Well-known member
I love Xenforo & am thrilled about my decision to switch from vb3.8 BUT I have a really hard time coding addons. I know xen was made for addons but I'm no programmer & evidently making addons is beyond me. I'm a dirty hacker & had no problem hacking the VB code or making plugins / products for it. It was all very straight forward and with Xen it's all this extends that and a half a dozen files to do even the simplest of mods. just finding the right spot to work takes me forever & even if I go in to hack the code, there's a bunch of steps just to get the vars to my location or to get them thru to the next spot. I hoped I would have picked it up by now but my learning curve has hit a brick wall. With all the trouble & wasted time I have I was thinking maybe it's not Xen, maybe I just don't remember how to code.
then today i had to work on some VB stuff. I still take care of a vb3.8 board but haven't done any modding to it in YEARS. (since before vb4 came out) they wanted some custom work I thought, how am I going to remember anything about VB code. I installed some addons & it was cake. no waiting for every for templates to rebuild, just boom done. when it wasn't exactly what I wanted it took me a couple minutes to go in & edit the plugins, make my own, etc and before I knew it I had done some slick custom stuff without any headaches or mistakes. I think called a table calendar instead of events but the fix was obvious.
why the hell can't I code Xen that easily!!!!! it's so frustrating. I watch the videos of Kier "hello, this is kier from xenforo" explaining how to make a simple mod w/ listeners & then an extends & a call to the listener / writer, etc etc. it took me forever just to figure out how to sort the smilies. a change in sort order!! should have been a second. if it was VB I'd find the template where I want my finished product to show up, search the files for that template name, & find where it was called. then i could work backwards from there and within a min or 2 it would be done. I swear it took me half the night on Xen. I must have edited 6 diff places till I found the right spot.
anyway, like I said i'm said. was always proud at how quickly I'd whip on some cool VB stuff and today's VB flashback pointed out how far behind I am here.
then today i had to work on some VB stuff. I still take care of a vb3.8 board but haven't done any modding to it in YEARS. (since before vb4 came out) they wanted some custom work I thought, how am I going to remember anything about VB code. I installed some addons & it was cake. no waiting for every for templates to rebuild, just boom done. when it wasn't exactly what I wanted it took me a couple minutes to go in & edit the plugins, make my own, etc and before I knew it I had done some slick custom stuff without any headaches or mistakes. I think called a table calendar instead of events but the fix was obvious.
why the hell can't I code Xen that easily!!!!! it's so frustrating. I watch the videos of Kier "hello, this is kier from xenforo" explaining how to make a simple mod w/ listeners & then an extends & a call to the listener / writer, etc etc. it took me forever just to figure out how to sort the smilies. a change in sort order!! should have been a second. if it was VB I'd find the template where I want my finished product to show up, search the files for that template name, & find where it was called. then i could work backwards from there and within a min or 2 it would be done. I swear it took me half the night on Xen. I must have edited 6 diff places till I found the right spot.
anyway, like I said i'm said. was always proud at how quickly I'd whip on some cool VB stuff and today's VB flashback pointed out how far behind I am here.