XF 1.3 Iframe help

Ben Worsley

Hi, I need help. I wanted to know if there's any support for iframe's I'm trying to use game tracker on my forums. http://puu.sh/aElIN/0adfb35b6f.jpg this is what I wanted to have, i've looked for addons but cant find anything, i have found two addons 1 for game tracker and 1 for team speak but again there not iframes

any help would be great.
Ok heres some images for you to look at maybe you can point me in the correct location. http://puu.sh/aEGz6/44076f19e8.png so here where i've added the HTML.

Here's how its displayed, http://puu.sh/aEGCF/366e349930.png.

heres the code it's self.

<iframe src="http://cache.www.gametracker.com/components/html0/?host=" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="240" height="348"></iframe>

Again any help here would be great.
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