XF 1.2 If threads are called discussions, why Post New Thread?

Stuart Wright

Well-known member
I like the idea of moving away from the terms threads and posts as discussions and messages are more user friendly IMO.
However, we seem to be clinging to the notion of starting a new thread still with the Post New Thread button.
It appears that the word Thread is used in quite a lot of phrases. It seems somewhat confusing that we would hang on to a legacy term and make life more difficult for new people than it needs to be. We have to explain what a thread is and that it's the same as a discussion.

I was wondering why it's still in Xenforo, and who has edited their phrases to change it to Discussion site wide.

Can we dispose of the term Thread?
Its inconsistent to use different terms for the same thing in different places. IMHO its better to rename all phrases to one term.
While discussions or topics is probably better than threads, once you have years or even decades of posts in your forums mentioning the term threads its confusing to change it around.
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