Fixed  IE8 Viewing a thread, some kind of auto-logout happens, and then things get weird.


Well-known member
I had IE8 sitting on one of xenforum threads, and I stepped away for a few minutes.

When I came back, it appeared that I was automatically logged out, and sitting on a page saying that the "page wasn't found", or it might have said "the thread may have been moved", so I looked at the URL, in the browser to see what thread had possibly been moved, and this is what I saw:

Strange, looks like there is some periodic refreshing of content being done while a page is viewed, and the URL is getting appended or (?). Notice all the /logout/(s) in the URL.

Could this be related to the sign in problem I have in IE8?
Looks like this was fixed a while ago with some other changes (related to JS URLs and IE).
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