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HTML in Custom Titles 1.5

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It displayed like the first until I enabled "HTML Allowed In Custom Titles".
Now it displays like the second.
Is <span> an allowed tag in your options?

Could you check, because I can only reproduce your issue if I don't have <span> in there.
Oh crap. Its working.
First thing I did was added <span>, then added the permission.
Not sure at what point I removed the <span> from the options...but I did.
It's back in there now and it's working. Sorry to waste some of your Sunday!
Thank you so much for donating. It is always appreciated!
This add-on will allow people who may edit their Custom User Title to use some HTML tags in their Custom User Title.

The tags that are allowed to be used can be configured in the Admin CP > Options > User Registration.


The end result can look like this:

Imagessss are deaddddddddd @Chris D
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