How's Reading, UK?


Well-known member
How's the place Reading in the UK? I was looking at places in the UK to live, the place I live in atm I don't like too much. Reading didn't seem all too bad. Anyone here live there? How is it?

I think the XF team do, I may be wrong, @Kier @Mike @Ashley
Kier and Ashley live in Reading. I believe Mike used to, he lives in Glasgow now.

I have been to Reading a long time ago. Realistically, it's just another UK city. I'm sure it has its unique properties and within it I'm sure it has good and bad areas (as with any place), but I'm also sure it won't differ too much from most other places in the UK.
Kier and Ashley live in Reading. I believe Mike used to, he lives in Glasgow now.

I have been to Reading a long time ago. Realistically, it's just another UK city. I'm sure it has its unique properties and within it I'm sure it has good and bad areas (as with any place), but I'm also sure it won't differ too much from most other places in the UK.
Yeah, it's never going to be like going to another country but some places in the UK are significantly better compared to some others.

Reading didn't seem too bad in them articles. The latest one was in that new News app for iOS, which is kinda how I came across it. A lot of the UK is similar, done quite a bit of travelling myself, but some places are really bad while compared to some others which seem pretty nice. Where abouts do you live, if you don't mind me asking?

It's meh, like most of this country.
lol, yeah
Mainly, I suspect, because it's an easy commute by rail to London, it's an expensive place for property. As UK clone towns go, it's OK. But unless you have a lot of cash and/or need the proximity to London, there are other places that have more character and yet are cheaper.
Mainly, I suspect, because it's an easy commute by rail to London, it's an expensive place for property. As UK clone towns go, it's OK. But unless you have a lot of cash and/or need the proximity to London, there are other places that have more character and yet are cheaper.
Yeah it's a bit old looking right, but that's like a lot of places in the UK, houses look old.
Loughborough, Leicestershire
For some reason I thought you lived somewhere else, but you're only a 45 minute drive from me lol

Funny anecdote. An American couple once stopped me and asked for directions to "Loogie Boroogie". After long minutes of trying to figure out what the hell they were talking about, we discovered they were trying to get to Loughborough. From that point on, Loughborough has been renamed Loogie Boroogie any time I have to mention it :D
Yes, not far :)

I've heard that anecdote before except it was an Austrlian couple and they asked for directions to "Looger Beroogah" ;) It is also what we call it. Or, you know, just "Luffbra".
Yes, not far :)

I've heard that anecdote before except it was an Austrlian couple and they asked for directions to "Looger Beroogah" ;) It is also what we call it. Or, you know, just "Luffbra".
I'm guessing it's a common error for anyone not from Britain and used to our weird ways of spelling things :D But then, saying that, you wouldn't think Alfreton (where I am) would be difficult to say but the locals (which I'm not, I moved here 10 years ago lol) call it Often. Hello, there's an A, an L and an R in there!!!
There is NO PLACE like The Peoples Republic of Geordieland... Newcastle.

A laid back pace to life up here in the North East of England , we do NOT have NO GO AREA's and No problem with gangs.
The natives are friendly and welcoming..

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