XF 2.1 How to tell if a specific member is Banned?

I need to know how to tell if a specific member is banned. In the old vB software, looking at their master account record would let me know. But here, it doesn't. What am I missing?

If a member is banned, there is a link in the tools menu on their profile page.


And their account page in the ACP.


Their user name appears with strikethrough to moderators.


They also appear in the banned users list in the ACP - admin.php?users/search

With a dedicated link here - admin.php?banning/users/
My forum is a recent import. The name didn't show with a line through it, and the Banned User List is not in alphabetical order. Evidently this was an import glitch. There may be others, and I need the banned member list to be alphabetized so I can directly compare without it being all haphazard.
The list isn't in alphabetical order, it's in chronological order.

Use the filter field on the search results to identify a particular entry, or just look the member up directly using the user name.
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