XF 1.4 How to submit sitemap in Google webmaster tool


There is no sitemap.xml in my root directory and I have been wondering how to submit the sitemap to Google webmasters tools.

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
The sitemap doesn't exist as an .xml.

If the sitemap log is showing entries (admin.php?logs/sitemap), you don't need to do anything.

Yes, it's showing logs, but it doesn't show all dates.
The forum is been updated daily, I thought it should be generated any time a thread is created on the forum.
If you want to submit it manually (for info viewing), its <url>/sitemap.php.

The sitemap is generated roughly every other day by default.
Change it here: upload_2014-11-11_9-40-14.webp

You will have to redo that after each XenForo upgrade.

It's overkill though.
Google is more than capable of crawling and indexing your site on its own.
It doesn't require a sitemap.
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