How to stop specific mods from appearing in Staff online


Well-known member
I have setup a few sections with dedicated moderators who can manage their own sections. However I do not want them to show up in staff online now as they are not really part of the staff. They are dealers with their own dedicated forum. How can I achieve that?

Forum A: Mod X
Forum B: Mod Y

I do not want Mod X to be able to open/close/stick threads in Forum B.
You can grant mod permissions in the group permissions without explicitly making them a mod. By not explicitly making them a moderator (not using Admin CP -> Users -> Moderators) they will not show as staff.
Considering I don't want to make them appear as staff, I have to add them to moderator user group without making them a moderator. But if I add them to moderating user group, won't they be eligible to moderate outside their section too? How will I maintain a 1 to 1 relationship between that member and their respective section?
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