I am trying to figure out how to show thumbnail only in the rss feed? Currently, media rss feed shows full images and often the picture is extremely large.
Wow, why not? Is this something hard to implement or just an oversight? So everyone is fine with the large, slow loading, hi-res images in rss feeds? Even an 8 year old photopost has that...
users/websites syndicate rss feeds > people see THUMBNAIL > they click and end up on your site. That is the whole point. If user is able to see the full high res image without visiting the site, what good is that? Same reason you show excerpts/summary in article rss feeds, etc. instead of 1000 word article.
I think being able to show thumbnails and number of thumbnails/items in rss feeds would go a long away in making the rss feeds more useful for website owners and users because right now its a headache.
It seems there is something different in how content is parsed in the feeds. For years I've used this to display/parse the feeds to show thumbnails only on a webpage (wordpress), just part of the code (magpie rss parser):
$url = 'http://www.myWebSite.com/photos/rssfeed.php?type=rss2' ;
$rss = fetch_rss($url);
if ($rss) {
foreach ($items as $item ) {
echo "<li>{$item['description']}</li>";
echo '</ul>';
} else {
echo 'There are currently no latest pictures...';
} else {
echo '<strong>RSS Error:</strong> The RSS Feed is currently unavailable, please try again in few minutes.' . $rss->ERROR . '<br / ><br />' ;
echo "<li>{$item['description']}</li>";
Pulls the pics out of the rss feed and display with link. With xenforo feeds, I've tried replacing that with <p> and also <content:encoded> but no pics show up when parsing with rss parser. The feed does show thumbnails/pics in feedburner or just firefox but not when displaying on a website.