XF 1.4 How to reset Admin password while reset email does not work ???


Active member
I lost my admin password and email to reset password (lost password system) doesn't work. I can not do anything now.
Can we use PHPMyAmin to reset Amin password or any other solutions to get Admin Password ?
Please help me....

Change the email address for the administrator account via phpMyAdmin and then do another password rest.

Promote another administrator to super administrator by adding their user ID to config.php.
Then they will be able to change the password directly in the ACP.
Change the email address for the administrator account via phpMyAdmin and then do another password rest.

Promote another administrator to super administrator by adding their user ID to config.php.
Then they will be able to change the password directly in the ACP.
I changed admin's email.
The biggest problem is: I do reset for admin account but the password reset system did not send me anything to get back the password...
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